Artisanal mining

The author of this module is
Julian Eyears FFOM
image of Artisanal mining

Occupational Health Considerations

Artisanal mining is mining not carried out by corporations, but individual self employed workers (and children) or cooperatives. 20% of common ores globally are extracted in this way. Some artisanal mines are illegal and difficult to access geographically. Occupational Health of workers and families is affected: In Bolivia for example, workers in these mines have a life expectancy of 35-40 years. A longevity due principally to pneumoconioses, cancer and accidents. Two toxic chemicals are frequently used : mercury (in gold production) and cyanide. About 1kg mercury is needed to yield 1kg gold. Mercury contamination of drinking water is common around the mines. this disproportionately impacts the health of pregnant women and children (failure to thrive, cranial neuropathy, dermatological abnormalities, educational retardation). Local villages may see small scale mining as a route out of poverty. Sometimes artesanal mining is a seasonal activity to be conducted outside of periods when workers are required for nearby agriculture. 6m people work in these mines. 150m are indirectly dependent. Artisanal mining accounts for 15,000 deaths a year. The child mortality is unknown however. About 300,000 people are estimated to suffer permanent disability a year. These mines are frequently abandoned after closure with no regard to environmental contamination. Occupational Health controls are difficult to implement as the attendant organisations lack structure and hierarchy and sites are often remote from authorities. Further barriers in the countries involved are lack of effective legislation, few occupational health experts and lack of OH awareness. There is global agreement to attempt to reduce mercury consumption and mining due to exceptionally high morbidity and mortality. Artisanal gold refining commonly uses mercury in small scale mining but the mercury can be substituted for borax

Clinical Aspects

Cause of ill health from Artisanal mining are manifold. A brief summary is :- Accident SilicosisAsbestosis Cancer Hearing loss Poisoning especially mercury and cyanide Environmental pollution from the extract itself or reagants used in processing: especially local soil and water STDs and psychosocial Ergonomics Child labour

My reflection




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