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Long COVID and return to work support - what works?

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Long Covid and return to work support - What Works?

A half day aiming to understand what works to support people with Long COVID-19. An estimated 1.1 million people living in private households in the UK (1.7% of the population) were experiencing self-reported “long COVID” (symptoms persisting for more than four weeks after the first suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) infection that were not explained by something else) as of 5th September 2021; this is up from 970,000 (1.5%) as of 1st August 2021, reflecting increased COVID-19 infection rates in July 2021. See here: Some people recovering from COVID-19 still experience symptoms such as fatigue, fever, and cognitive dysfunction for weeks (5% to 36% of people) or even months (5% to 15% of people) after their infection.


2.00pm Welcome - Professor Ewan Macdonald, OBE, University of Glasgow

2.05pm Long Covid and return to work – a research overview – Prof Godderis. See attached

2.35pm Employer perspectives - the new CIPD resource on Long Covid– Rachel Suff, CIPD and Dr Jo Yarker

3.00pm Clinical Perspectives across the UK:

-       England – Dr Fauzia Begum

-       Scotland – Prof Ewan Macdonald

-       Wales - Dr Paul.Dunning

-       NI – Dr Sarah Porter

3.50pm Patient perspectives on variability of support – Lesley Macniven, Long Covid Employment Group

4.05pm Discussion with speakers, SOM and FOM representatives and participants. Chair: Dr Clare Rayner

4:30pm Close

FREE to register. You will then be sent the join link


-       The Faculty has updated its Guidance on post-COVID syndrome aimed at healthcare professionals and employers. The Guidance for healthcare professionals aims to assist them on return to work for people with post-COVID syndrome. 
This Guidance for managers and employers aims to help them in facilitating the return to work of employees who may find this difficult because of post-COVID syndrome.

-       CIPD Working with Long Covid report here:

-       HSE return to work after Long Covid evidence review:

Long COVID leaflet and manager’s leaflet The direct link to the PDF is


March 22nd, 2022 from  2:00 PM to  4:30 PM
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