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In many countries there is a global shortage of workers in the labour market. By 2030, the healthcare sector is projected to face a global shortage of 14 million workers, highlighting the urgent need for effective retention strategies. Regularly calculating and analysing turnover rates is essential to ensure timely follow-up and enable quick interventions to address potential issues. Critical drivers of employee retention include job satisfaction, career development opportunities, and strong, supportive leadership. Fostering these elements creates a workplace environment that encourages long-term commitment. Understanding and addressing these dynamics are essential to build a resilient and sustainable workforce.
Professor Lode Godderis at the Centre for Environment and Health of the University of Leuven; investigating the impact of work on health by unravelling the underlying mechanism and also the reverse how health can affect work (dis)ability. Member of the division of the Laboratory of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. The lab analyses air samples and biological samples of workers.
Lode is CEO at IDEWE, the biggest Belgian External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work.
Internationally, Lode is involved in a leading role in several international projects such as, SC1-BHC-28-2019 Exposome Project for Health and Occupational Research (EPHOR).
He is the current chair of Modernet; an international network for development of techniques for discovering trends in work-related diseases and tracing new and emerging risks.
Chair: Ewan MacDonald
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