SOM’s free open-to-all directory of UK and international occupational health (OH) companies is below. The directory includes details of the OH companies quality certifications, services offered and direct contact details. If you are an OH company and wish to submit your details for the directory, please do so, for free, here.
See here for how to commission OH and a new video on Maximising the Value in Procuring Good Occupational Health is here
Want to advertise for an occupational contract? If you are a company and wish OH companies to tender for work we can post it for you. Please email for details.
Note: we will take as much care as is reasonably possible to ensure the directory is accurate. However, this information is given and accepted on the basis of no legal liability for its accuracy. The SOM does not seek to provide any assurance of level of competence or expertise of any company contained in any such information provided. Employers are advised that they must check the suitability of such companies e.g. if the company has been SEQOHS accredited. The Database and its content are the intellectual property of the SOM, registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please view our Privacy and Data Protection policy here.
Network Medical Occupational Health
Dr.Arshad Health Associates
Neptune Health Ltd
True Fit Physiotherapy
TP Health Limited
AWL Occupational Health Ltd
L J Hannah Occupational Health Ltd
Best Practice Occupational Health
Icarus Health Solutions
Sugarman Health and Wellbeing Limited
Visualise Training and Consultancy
Divity Health LTD
Peritus Health Management
Lux Occ Medical Ltd
Apollo Health Solutions Ltd
Blythswood Health & Wellbeing
Haldane Health Limited
Everwell Occupational Health
Yorkshire Occupational Health & Wellbeing