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The information is provided by SOM having taken as much care as is reasonably possible to ensure the information is accurate. However, this information is given and accepted on the basis of no legal liability for its accuracy. The SOM does not seek to provide any assurance of level of competence or expertise of any health professional contained in any such information provided. Employers are advised that they must check the suitability, eligibility and qualifications of such health professionals themselves. The database is of SOM members where they have granted permission for contact details to be stated on the OH Professional Directory. The SOM Database and its content are the intellectual property of the SOM, registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the Information Commissioner’s Office. As such, the SOM is not allowed to divulge any member’s information without their permission to anyone who is not a SOM member or non-member. Should a request be made to a member / SOM Regional Group officer for data containing other members’ personal information, they should contact the SOM office before taking any other action.

If you wish to employ a full time occupational health professional, you can advertise your vacancy with us.

First Name Last name Address Details Telephone General Qualifications Accredited specialist in OM Profession NHS Region Occupational Health Experience
Gillian Harris Consultant OCC Physician London, South East Thames
Paul Harris


Yes Specialist in Occupational Medicine Yorkshire Occupational Medicine
Richard Harris-jones Consultant OCC Physician, Medical Officer South West Thames
John Harrison London, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Lisa Harrison

Unit 110 Fauld Industrial Estate
Fauld Lane
Burton on Trent
DE13 9HS


No Occupational Therapist Health & Wellbeing
Mark Harvey Independent OH Physician London, North East Thames, North West Thames
Ali Asad Hashtroudi Consultant OCC Physician East Anglia, London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Julian Hawkins Independent OH Physician London, South West Thames, Wessex
Kent Haworth

KAUST Health Administration
Occupational Health Department
Room 01-0501
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Office Phone: +966-12-808-4092


Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, South East Thames Armed Forces
Adrian Patrick Hayter London, South West Thames
Sarah A F Helps London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South West Thames
Theresa Hewkin

As above


Yes Specialist Practitioner OH Nurse West Midlands Armed Forces

NHS Highland OHS
Osprey House
Raigmore Avenue


Yes Consultant OCC Physician Health & Wellbeing
Andrew Guy Hillary Independent OH Physician South Western
John Hobson Yes Consultant OCC Physician Yorkshire
Christian Holland

Dr H C Holland
14 The Kylins
NE61 2DJ


Yes Consultant OCC Physician North East Engineering – Heavy
Sarah Holling

Occupational Health
1st Floor Chertsey House
Ashford & St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Road
Guildford Road
Surrey KT16 0PZ


Yes OH Nurse/Advisor Central Southern Health & Wellbeing
Sherlock Holmes No Psychologist London Mental Health
Bernard Horsford

Advanced Assessments Ltd
180 Piccadilly
London W1J 9HF



Psychologist Central Southern, East Anglia, East Midlands, London, Mersey, North East, North East Thames, Northern, Northern Ireland, North West, North West Thames, North Western, Overseas, Oxford, Scotland, South East Thames, South West Thames, South Western, Trent, Wales, West Midlands, Wessex, Yorkshire Academia, Aerospace, Agriculture, Armed Forces, Building, Chemicals, Commerce, Communications, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Media, Medico-legal, Mining, Motor, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Potteries and Glass, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Tobacco, Transport, Utilities
James Arthur Houghton

Dr J Houghton
Ashley Centre Surgery
Ashley Square
KT18 5DD

London, South East Thames
Stephen Houston Specialist in Occupational Medicine Northern Ireland
John Gwilym Hughes Consultant OCC Physician Yorkshire
Anthony Raymond Hughes General Practitioner (GP) London, South West Thames
Catrina Hughes Specialist Practitioner OH Nurse
Hayley Hui Specialist in Occupational Medicine North Western
Eugene H K Hui Yorkshire
William J Humphries Northern Ireland
Natraj Hurdyal No Senior Medical Officer North West
Louise Michelle Huscroft

07903 767477

Senior Occupational Health Nurse Advisor North East Academia, Chemicals, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Government, Health & Wellbeing, Local Authority, Motor
Tokeer Hussain Yes Consultant OCC Physician North West Commerce
Anthony Hynes

Manor Occupational Health Ltd
c/o Occupational Health Department
University of Hull
Raines House
187 Cottingham Road


Yes Consultant OCC Physician Yorkshire Academia, Aerospace, Agriculture, Armed Forces, Building, Chemicals, Commerce, Communications, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, Engineering – Light, Food, Government, Health & Wellbeing, IT, Leisure & Brewing, Local Authority, Media, Medico-legal, Mining, Motor, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Potteries and Glass, Radiation Medicine, Retail, Textiles, Textiles & Paper, Tobacco, Transport, Utilities, Occupational Medicine, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination, Renewables, Oil & Gas UK
Ian James Ibbotson North Western
Christopher IDE


Yes Consultant OCC Physician Scotland Occupational Medicine
John Ind Independent OH Physician London, North East Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames
Naeem Iqbal

Coombe Medical Services Limited
229 West Barnes Lane
New Malden
Surrey KT3 6JD

020 8395 9891

No Independent OH Physician London, South West Thames Retail, Transport
Greg Irons


Yes Independent OH Physician London Academia
Robin Jackson Consultant OCC Physician Yorkshire
Sarojinie Jayatillake Independent OH Physician North East Thames
Robert Drysdale Jefferson Yes Consultant OCC Physician Northern Chemicals
William Robert Jenkinson Consultant OCC Physician Northern Ireland
Catherine Jewell General Practitioner (GP) Scotland
Iuliana Carmen Jigau Consultant OCC Physician Wessex
Arif Jiwany

C/O Haleon
1st Floor, Building 5
The Heights
Surrey KT13 0NY


Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, North East Thames, North West Thames, South East Thames, South West Thames Pharmaceuticals
James Wilbert Johnson Scotland
Philip Johnson Yes Consultant OCC Physician London, South Western, West Midlands Academia, Aerospace, Commerce, Communications, Engineering – Light, Government, IT, Local Authority, Medico-legal, Occupational Medicine, Mental Health, Ill Health Retirements, Fitness for Work and Disability Discrimination
Jonathan Jones Independent OH Physician London, South West Thames, Wessex
Richard Gwyn Jones Wales
Glyn David Jones Independent OH Physician Wales
Andrea Junker Consultant OCC Physician, Independent OH Physician London, South West Thames
Rahul Kacker Yorkshire
