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Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Occupational health (OH) assists employers to look after the health of their employees. OH professionals support people to return to and stay at work. OH professionals include Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, and Technicians who are trained to improve health in the workplace.

Watch our videos below to find out more about how OH can help keep your workforce safe, healthy and happy, and download COHPA’s Guide to OH for SMEs here.

Health at work: Why SMEs need OH support – Subtitled

Occupational health is much more than you think – Subtitled

To watch without subtitles, please click on the links below:

Health at work: Why SMEs need OH support
Occupational health is much more than you think

You can download all the videos by right clicking the links below and then select "save as":

With subtitles

Health at work: Why SMEs need OH support
Occupational health is much more than you think

Without subtitles

Health at work: Why SMEs need OH support
Occupational health is much more than you think